Expanding The Forest: a blog update

Turns out the forest I wanted to explore is even bigger than I initially presumed.

It's A Forest Out There
2 min readJul 20, 2023
Pictured: Us, looking up into this vast and unexplored forest. Luckily, I’m your guide! (credit: Edvard Munch, “Children in the Forest”)

Hey y’all! Just wanted to give you a quick update regarding this blog, and where I plan to take it.

Originally, It’s A Forest Out There was intended to be a blog about exploring Bandcamp, and reviewing and exploring music I found from there. However, in the metaphorical world of this “forest”, I’ve realised there can be space for reviewing more than just music.

From hereon out, this blog won’t just be Bandcamp and music centric. I’m going to branch out (pun not intentional but welcome), and explore the forest of many different types of media. I’ll be putting my book, film, and music reviews/discussion pieces on here, in the hopes to form a kind of portfolio of writing, and to encourage me to write more. Hoping you’ll stick around and see what I put out!

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this post, please consider giving me a follow – I’d love to introduce you to some new and exciting media. Be sure to check out my Bandcamp collection and my Spotify for a peek into my musical taste, my Letterboxd for all things movies, and my Goodreads for books. And please suggest things to me in the comments!

Stay safe! It’s a forest out there.



It's A Forest Out There

Sharing and reviewing intriguing gems from the deep forest of media: books, music, TV and movies. Finding treasure by digging deep and climbing high.